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April in books


Four months checked. Eight still to go. Have a look at BookLikes bloggers April reads and let us know how are you doing in your 2017 reading challenge.


I finished 17 books in April. I have to credit the start of the booklikes-opoly game and some time off for letting me ramp up my reading. In previous months, I've only managed 11 or 12.. continue reading



Wild Seed - Octavia E. ButlerHexed - Kevin HearneYarned and Dangerous - Sadie HartwellRivers of London: Volume 2 - Night Witch - Ben Aaronovitch,Lee Sullivan Hill,Andrew Cartmel



I finished just 2 books this month. Pretty poor, but I'm slogging through 2 long ones and have had a lot of real life interrupting my reading time.I have, however, made good progress towards clearing the samples, despite continually adding more. I'm down to 69, from 115! I'm trying to read at least one a day, keeping in mind that I don't get further than a page or two on some... continue reading



10 Books Total for the month of April (3,331 Pages)... continue reading


Daughter of Deep Silence - Carrie RyanQueen of Always (Stolen Empire Book 3) - Sherry D. FicklinUnknown - Wendy HigginsThe Edge of Everything - Jeff Giles


If you've missed April wrap ups by other BookLikes bloggers, have a look at the following posts, feel invited to read and join :) If we haven't included your post, let us know in the comment section below.



BookLikes book bloggers' previous 2017 reading challenge posts: