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Write About Many Books in One Post

In order to connect books with a post you don’t need to stick only to review formula. You can find an awesome quote, photo, link or video which is connected with a given book or books. You can show your reads in every piece of writing, long and short, review or in other kind of post.

One-book post is quick and easy. You search a given book, create any kind of post, write and save. The post is published with a book cover automatically adjusted to your post and text wrapping around the cover picture. Done.

However, we know that sometimes one-book is not enough as you may want to write about many books of the same author, several of your favorite books or simply about book series. You can do it by connecting up to seven books with your post, books will appear as a photo heading to your writing. 


How to do  it? It’s a piece of cake.

While writing a post use a search box in the "Connect your post with books" field to search several books you want to write about and click on them one by one. The book cover will jump into a wooden background letting you add other reads next to it. This will be your photo heading with several book covers. If you want to remove a given book cover from photo heading, just point on a connected book and click "x" in the book's upper right corner.


You can also add book covers of individual book parts or direct book links into your post - then everyone who reads your post can shelve a book that you're writing about directly from your post. That's how you can hepl others discover new great reads.


When you point your pointer to a book that is added on a wooden background, you’ll see little icons that represent 'book cover picture' and 'link'Instead of writing a book title you can add a direct link to that book in your post. Adding a 'link' takes a minute, just mark a book title in your post, click on a “link icon” that appears on a connected book and book title in the text will change into BookLikes book link. 


When writing about a book series  or several books it's nice to add some information and opinion referring to an individual book part. In order to add a specific book cover in your many-books post click on a “photo icon”.

When the book cover pops up in you text you can adjust its size and placement in your post. Click on a book cover picture in your text-that's how you'll mark it; then choose “picture set up” from post toolbar, decide about the placement (on the let, on the right … ) and size of the cover appearance in your text and save. The text wrapping around the picture will look really great. 


You can adjust pictures position and size anytime you add a picture, including “Add photo” button which is under the post window.


When we finish and save our many-books post looks like that on the public blog (pic on the left) and on Dashboard (pic on the right).


Looks great, right? Now your turn :-)

If you have any questions, contact us or leave us a comment.