

World's #1 Blog Platform designed for book bloggers, reviewers, writers - all Book Lovers. Your Reading Life. Redesigned. 

New Place For Your Bookshelf Settings & New Free Blog Theme


"Show me your shelf and I'll tell you who you are". We've prepared a special place for your Shelf Settings to make your book space better organized. Your virtual bookshelf has just received new page with set up options. We have big plans for shelf options (old and new) and this is the first step.


The entrance to new shelf settings spot is on your Shelf Page, just click settings icon next to your book count. 



New bookshelf settings page presents all possible bookshelf options. 


1. You can add new and remove thematic shelves


2. You can re-name existing thematic shelves.


3. You can decide which book sort option should be default: title, author, ratings, read date, add date. 


4. You can choose shelf sorting: alphabetical or manual. If you have chosen manual sorting, you can choose position for each thematic bookshelf - type position numbers or drag shelves. The position options are available only when you select manual sorting. 


5. You can create new statuses such as Re-read, DNF. They will appear next to Read, Planning to read, Currently reading on your Shelf Page. 


6. You can change thematic shelf into status and vice-versa. 



Remember to save each change to make shelf updates. 




If you wish to change your blog design take part in Parajunkee's BookLikes Blog Design Giveaway and win custom design for your page.


BookLikes Blog Design Giveaway


Or choose new free template called Bundled designed by Baelkina from UNGH... ARRR... BOOKS! Read more about the theme and possible options of customization here: BUNDLED (NEW BOOKLIKES THEME)


Template is available in BookLikes Theme Store (Settings/Blog -> Customize -> Themes).



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