

World's #1 Blog Platform designed for book bloggers, reviewers, writers - all Book Lovers. Your Reading Life. Redesigned. 

Your Shelves as Tags in Your Posts and Reviews

New Year brings a new way of finding books and reviews on BookLikes. From now on your shelves will be tags in your post.


Once you write a post about a given book, the shelves attached to that book will be added to your review/post as tags. Each of your thematic shelves will be visible in your writings, and once clicked will show other texts with this tag written by other BookLikers. 


New tags will help you in finding great reads on other blogs, interesting reviews and readers with similar reading taste. 


For example: the book pop up shows shelves the book is shelved on: 



When you create a post or a review with book from your shelf, the thematic shelves will be added as tags:


You can remove auto added tags and add new ones in Tag spot in writing box. 




You can add new shelves on your Shelf Page or in book pop up by clicking Edit shelves after selecting reading status (Read, Planning to read, Currently reading).


Remember that you can add books on many shelves. It can be done either in book pop up (one book at a time; don't forget to save after adding and selecting new shelves)



or you can edit many books at once in table view of your Shelf.





We've made updates to Shelf Widget on Goodies Page.


Now you can choose one of  your shelves, select number of books visible in widget and choose sorting option, and add Shelf Widget to your other webpages or to your BookLikes Page (paste widget code in Widget Area in customization tab).