World's #1 Blog Platform designed for book bloggers, reviewers, writers - all Book Lovers. Your Reading Life. Redesigned.
It’s Thursday Today! What does it mean? Well, it means that there are new features on BookLikes! Today we introduce “Sort by” function on Shelf, possibilities of adding your social media links to your blogs and new page to preview blog design themes.
'Sort by' function on Shelf is available in both views, in administrative - visible only to you (once you click Blog on upper navigation bar) and in public allowing all curious people visiting your Shelf to choose the best book overview. We’ve chosen four criteria for sorting: date of shelving, title, author and rating to make book search, book managing and book presentation as easy and functional as it can be.
Next new feature is adding your social links to your profile in fast and easy way - no HTML knowledge needed. In Settings/Blog you’ll discover new spot for Your Social Profiles where you can insert links to your profiles on Facebook, Twitter, G+, YouTube, Goodreads and site of your choice. Links and icons will pop up on your Blog so viewers and guests of your Blog can easily find you on social media.
We’re also working hard to make BookLikes even more beautiful :-) We’re already preparing new blog themes (if you have some ideas, let us know) and today we release new page for choosing a blog design where you can preview how your webpage will looks like with particular design. What’s more you can preview all crucial subpages, like Blog, Shelf, Timeline and Following and choose design that suits you best :-) To try out all blog themes go to Settings/Blog and click “Change” theme.
How do you like this week's news? Let us know. Oh, and we promise we have much more to show soon so stay tuned and wait for Thursday :-)