It's time for Follow Friday with book bloggers. This time for real! Last Friday the interview was interrupted by the tech issues but some of you received the sneak peek in our newsletter, didn't you? ;) But let's get back to our today's heroes!
Today we gonna meet not one but TWO awesome readers behind the Lost Girls blog! Let's say hello to Shey and Bobbie, two bookish girls, who love reading when not and zip lining!
Your book blog on BookLikes is called Lost girls reviews. Tell us more about the girls and why are you lost? ;)
Shey: Bobbie and I have been friends for many years and we love to go on road trips together to cons and book festivals. Unfortunately, we both have a terrible sense of direction. We inevitably end up getting lost, so we decided, since we are always getting lost whether in books or simply getting to our destination,
Lost Girls is kind of perfect for us.
When have you experienced the book love for the first time?
Shey: When I was very young I fell in love with Nancy Drew books. I read every one I could get my greedy little hands on. From there my love for books continued to grow. Libraries were my favorite place in the world. I could spend hours reveling in all the wonderful books.
What made you start book blogging?
It was something that we wanted to do for a long time. We love to share and discuss the latest books we are devouring, and also wanted a way to keep track of our favorites. We love reading reviews and recommendations from fellow book lovers who introduce us to books we may never have discovered otherwise. Also, we've met some wonderful authors and reviewed their ARCs. It is always such a thrill to walk into a book store and see a finished copy of a book we reviewed and loved months ago finally gracing the shelves in all their glory.
You’re adventurous girls, aren’t you? Tell us more about your escapades.
We love adventure! Anything that gets our hearts pounding. We have ziplined over alligators pits, done some cave spelunking, parasailing, free diving some gorgeous caves here in Florida (which we will be blogging about in the coming months). We are always up for adventure and ready to take things to the next level. We attempted hang gliding several times, sadly the weather prevented us from ever getting up there. We were very disappointed, but we don't give up easily. It's still high on our list of adventures. We have some exciting adventures planned for this winter.
Are you adventurous in book picking or do you stick to your favorite genres?
Shey: I'm adventurous. I tend to read a lot of YA, but if someone recommends a good mystery, some historical fiction, fantasy, etc I will jump on it. I can chat books with just about every book lover and find something in common.
Bobbie: Its not often that I venture away from my favorite genres but occasionally I will come across a book that piques my interest even though it's not one I would normally read.
You’re zip lines lovers. How did that start?
Bobbie: Our second year attending San Diego Comic Con there was a Batman zipline. You could soar through Gotham city just like the caped crusader himself! We had talked about trying ziplining before and this was the perfect opportunity to try it out. It was really fun and quite a rush!
Shey: We haven't met a zipline we didn't like. After our experience in California we went in search of more ziplines and found all kinds of fun ways to zip. We've zipped superman style, between mountains in Canada, but our favorite so far is the roller coaster zipline. What a thrill! Our ultimate goal is to zip upside down. It's going to happen!
What are you three favorite book covers?
How does you book review process look like?
Bobbie: I try and write my review right after finishing the book and while everything is fresh in my mind. I give a summary of the book and then my thoughts on it.
Shey: I take notes as I'm reading to remind myself of certain quotes that I love, or points that I want to discuss in my review. Once I finish the book I have to have a nice quiet space where I can be with my thoughts as I write.
Which books are you most excited recommending to your followers this fall/winter?
Shey: Our TBR pile is huge! There are so many exciting books that just came out. I absolutely love
Wonder Woman: Warbringer. Leigh Bardugo is such an amazing writer. She will always be at the top of my list of recommendations. I'm super excited about my current read,
Renegades by Marissa Meyer.
What's your reading spot? We'd love to see the photos :)
Our favorite reading spots have to be at home in our beds. Big fluffy pillows, warm cup of tea, a great book. What more can one ask for?
Three titles for the fans of adventures?
What’s your favorite quote?

art via Etsy
Do not go gentle into that goodnight
Rage, rage against the dying of the light - Ally Condie, Matched

"The stories we love best live in us forever" - JK Rowling

“Ryle Hira: Life is what it is” Elizabeth Haydon, Rhapsody
If you could meet one literary character, who would it be?
Shey: One of my favorite books (and movies) growing up was Anne of Green Gables. I would love to chat with, or mostly listen to, Anne Shirley while she showed me all her favorite spots. She is such a big part of my childhood. Bobbie and I recently had the immense pleasure of meeting and receiving great big hugs from the absolutely amazing, Meagan Follows who, of course, played Anne on the series way back when, and to us that was almost like meeting Anne herself. A memory we will forever cherish.
Bobbie: Mercy Thompson, my favorite character. She's a badass shapeshifter that can change into a coyote form. She has a knack for finding trouble, and trouble sometimes goes looking for her. Her husband is a werewolf, her friend is a vampire, and her boss is an ancient fae. There's never a dull moment with her.
A paper book or an e-book?
Bobbie: I don't really have a preference. I like the convenience of my Kindle. I can store and easily access thousands of books. But there's just something about that new book smell and the way it feels in your hand.
Shey: Both. I prefer the feel and glorious smell of real books, but I tend to do a lot of reading on my kindle as well. When I get ARCs I normally receive them through my kindle and that's where I first read them. Later I will purchase the paper book, especially when I fall in love with the cover art. I'm easy to please.
Shelfie time! Please share your home library photos :)
Thank you so much for including us in your series!
Thank you!