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5 Reading tasks for your bookish Summer

It's reading Summer time, let's keep ourselves busy - with reading! Discover these amazing reading lists and book clubs ready to make your Summer even more bookish. Join and keep on reading!


Buddy Read Open Invite

via Murder by Death


The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt's New World - Andrea WulfLillelaraBrokenTuneSusannaG - Confessions of a Crazy Cat Lady, and myself are all going to participate in a buddy read of The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt's New World by Andrea Wulf starting on July 15th (or very close to - subject to library availability).


If anyone would like to join us, we welcome everyone.   :)

Read more and join ->



Bookish Delights blogger shares Summer books you can't miss!

Summer is coming.

Now, after I've made that trying- to-be ASoIaF reference, it's time to talk about books! This time of the year is all about light. easy, enjoyable read no matter if you are somewhere on the beach with salt in your hair or lying in your aparment under the air conditioner.
I loved and utterly enjoyed every book listed below and highly recommend you read them!...

Read more in here->



COYER Summer Vacation 2017 Summer Reading List


This is Tea, Rain, Book's summer reading list. As per the rules, 30 books to start; for every 5 books read and reviewed, 5 books can be added to the list.

For rules and to sign up, please go to  

Join and read on->



Top 20 Best New Summer Reads Coming July

What a line up of talent.  Someone "lock me in" with no interruptions!

Check the best July beach titles ->



TOR Monthly Free e-Book

Once a month, publisher TOR offers a free e-book. Let's read it!