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Share your favorite quote: 50 most powerful quotes from literature


Thanks to quotes readers can peek into the book just like through the keyhole. Quotes are wise, touching, inspirational, they are also powerful. A quote may become a motto, a leader's pitch, a brand. Let's appreciate the words by sharing your favorite quotes.


If you're curious how to find quotes on your BookLikes Dashboard, make sure you choose one of the Dashboard view on the right. Choose "Quote" view and your Dash will presents quote posts from blogs you follow.



If you enjoy sharing quotes, use the Quote post -- then your writing will be published within a special quote template.



You can also add a blockquote in your text. Simply mark the words and click the quotation mark on the top border of the editor box and the quote will receive a central placing in your writing. You can switch on/off the blockquote option for the paragraph any time


Your Quotes


If you follow BookLikes blog you've noticed the Friday Follow Friday with book bloggers interviews where readers are asked to share their favorite quotes. If you've missed the reading, click here to catch up.


Charles William Eliot's quote picked by Jennifer's Books


Neil Gaiman quote picked by Momma Says to Read


Quote from Coraline - Neil Gaiman  picked by Silence in the library


Quote fromBlue Lightning by Ann Cleeves  published on Obsession with words blog.


C.S. Lewis' quote published on Obsidian Blue blog



The following graphics presents 50 Most Powerful Quotes From Literature prepared by Essay Writing. And what are your top book quotes?

