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BookLikes blogger form Spooky's House Of Books asked 11 questions about the ways you read and we could not share. We'd love to know!
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Here's a list of questions, please copy them and add a reading habit tag to the post so we could find and share it :-)
BookLikes decided to take part too. Have a look at the reading habits of Kate, the community manager & support:
1. Do you have a certain place in your home for reading: Not really, I love to ready anyplace although recently it mostly happens in the bedroom.
2. Bookmark or random piece of paper? I love bookmarks and collect them, it's my a must have souvenir from my travels. But I love them so much that I'm afraid of using them so I use all kind of stuff as the replacements. Recently I've read that "keeping nice things, as opposed to using them, takes away some of the specialness of the object. By using something, you give it even more value than you do allowing it to collect dust on a shelf or in a basket". So I may consider changing this habit.
3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop read after a chapter / certain number of pages? I usually stop when my eyes close.
4. Do you eat or drink while read? Yes, I do. A book and a cup of coffee is a perfect couple. Sometimes I read with a mug of green tea. With snacks rather than a full meal.
5. Multitasking: music or TV while reading? I used to read like that but now I appreciate the silence while reading.
6. One book at a time or several at once? One at a time. Whenever I start several books at once I rarely finish any.
7. Reading at home or everywhere? Definitely everywhere. I always carry a book or an e-reader in my bag.
8. Reading out loud or silently in your head? Silently unless I read to my baby boy.
9. Do you read ahead or even skip pages? It may sound weird but I even sneak peek at the end of the book. I cannot resits! Sometimes I just cannot wait to see what's gonna happen.
10. Barking the spine or keeping it like new? None of my books looks like new.
11. Do you write in your books? If it's a paper edition and I find a quote I love or I need to add a note, then yes. I have a liberal attitude to books, I love reading them but I don't consider them sacred. I also add a lot of highlights and notes to my e-reads.
And what are your reading habits?