

World's #1 Blog Platform designed for book bloggers, reviewers, writers - all Book Lovers. Your Reading Life. Redesigned. 

Upload Design Themes & Set Reading Progress in Pages, Minutes and %

Today's new release is perfect for all those who love reading and blogging, meaning all of us on BookLikes :-) If you're designer, you'll be able to change your blog design fast and quickly by uploading your theme. And if you're reading books in different formats, now you can set your reading progress in accordance to book version: paper, e- and audio. 



If you're all set with your new design, make it visible and online by uploading your theme on Upload a new theme.



We're also releasing new extra feature for all those who love different book formats. Now you're all set to show your reading progress in pages for paper books, in % for ebooks and in minutes for audio books. You can choose the right progress for your book in book pop up. Once you save the changes, they will be visibl

e on your blog page in currelty reading box and in Currently reading widget.