World's #1 Blog Platform designed for book bloggers, reviewers, writers - all Book Lovers. Your Reading Life. Redesigned.
Tags in your texts are like bookmarks in your books. Tags let you find book reviews, texts, photos, all kind of posts within the same thematic category. Tags open new discovery paths for exploring new book titles and book bloggers -- you can easily search through texts with given tags on BookLikes, add likes and comments, discover new bloggers, and start following new blogs. Apart from discovery role tags are also great to organize your texts. Here's how to use tags on BookLikes.
Add tags to your texts
You can add new tags or use your previously tags in the writing box on the right.
Search tags on BookLikes
Searching tags and interaction with the posts are now easier with two ways of discovering tagged book reviews and texts.
1. Dashboard search
Use the upper search box not only to search through BookLikes book catalog but also to search tags. Type tag, e.g. May 2015 to view texts with your May reading lists, and click Tags:
Look through texts with tag May 2015, add likes and comment, find new readers and start following them.
You can also filter the texts with different kind of posts. Choose your Dashboard view on the right to view only this kind of text with a given tag:
2. Top tags
Go to your Dashboard or admin Blog (click the upper menu and Blog). You'll see Top Tags or Top Tags on BookLikes on your right, click and view the most popular tags of BookLikes community from the last week, and your most commonly used tags.
Top tags by BookLikes community and it your texts
Click the tag to view texts and reviews with this tag:
Let's start tagging!
P.S. If you like the mustache bookmark, here's some more ideas for DIY bookmarks.