

World's #1 Blog Platform designed for book bloggers, reviewers, writers - all Book Lovers. Your Reading Life. Redesigned. 

Discovery Boxes Personalized


Discovery boxes on your Dashboard has just received new options. From now on you can add your reading preferences and choose what books and blogs will be presented to you.


All new options are visible in the discovery boxes in the upper part of your Dashboard, in the upper right corner of the box. Each box has received its Settings spot where you can choose the preferences for each discovery box. 



Let's have a closer look at the particular Settings:


- Popular Reviews Discovery Box - you can select book categories that you enjoy reading, the reviews will be selected from the chosen genres.




- Who To Follow Discovery Box - select blog categories -- these are the genres that bloggers read and review on their blogs, the categories have been selected while registration or anytime in Settings/Blog.


If you haven't filled up the categories for your book blog, you can update them in Settings/Blog -> edit categories




- Giveaways Discovery Box - select preferences for the giveaway books -- you can choose language, country and format. 




- Daily Deals / Free Kindle eBooks Discovery Box - select categories for the discounted books and free e-books. 


The Daily Deals and Free Ebooks sections are in the middle further development. We're working on adding new book sources for the book promotions, deals and free reads, however, not all sources have a ready to go solutions and ways to connect. 




Apart from Settings the discover boxes are equipped with See me / See me not option, you can hide and unhide the discovery boxes any time. However, thanks to discovery boxes both new BookLikes' members and our regular bloggers can meet new book-likes friends, discover great reviews and grab new books, thus, we highly recommend to glance over them from time to time. 



We'll be also adding new discovery paths and new sectors to explore. Stay tuned. 




Recently we've experienced minor issues with the images, including avatars and some book covers. If you've noticed that your avatar is still missing, please upload the photo in your Settings. Then everything should get back to normal with your photo image/avatar. Sorry for any inconvenience.


This may be also a good time to make some changes to your blog look. Click to read more ->