World's #1 Blog Platform designed for book bloggers, reviewers, writers - all Book Lovers. Your Reading Life. Redesigned.
Get involved into discussions, comment and be commented. Book lovers at BookLikes read, write, shelve and review their books but you can also discuss and comment. Our commenting system is based on Disqus which gives easy, nice and neat experiences when it comes to sharing, viewing and managing your comments.
To discuss and let others comment on your posts and reviews at BookLikes follow these three steps:
1. Sign up or log in at
2. Register your webpage - your blog at BookLikes ( and choose your site’s shortname at Disqus (for example, your blog’s name)
3. Add you site’s shortname at BookLikes Settings Blog and Save
Voila - adding comments on your blog is ready now. To add comments click on a post title and write notes in a comment window below. The person will get notification about your note and you'll get information about the reply. Try by yourself - enter your blog post and check if your comment window is visible. If you have any questions, contact us (or leave us a comment).
Don’t keep your opinions to yourself - be social, share them and let others share theirs with you. So who will be the first one to comment on this one? :-)