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BookLikes On Book Fair in Kraków

16 Book fair in KrakówIf you are a book lover (that’s obvious, right?) and BookLikes’s fan and what’s more you’re curious of it’s creators and news from Polish publishing market you need to visit Book Fair in Cracow October 25-28. We’ll be there  :-)


We can’t wait to visit one of the most beautiful city in Poland. But what’s more important we can’t wait meeting you - book readers and book bloggers. Since we’ve been always open to any discussions we've decided to start one or two :-)


During Book Fair BookLikes will host two panel discussions, the first one concerns the future of literary criticisms and the place of book bloggers in it. We’re counting on heated debate here ;-) The second panel will be useful for anyone who wants to combine his/her passions of books, reading, writing and reviewing. What’s the best solution for that? Setting up your own book blog, of course!

Here’s the schedule to remember:


Topic of Discussion


Room No.

Book Bloggers - the future of literary criticism?

Saturday,  Oct 27

11:00 - 12:00


How to become a book blogger?

Sunday, Oct 28

14:00 - 15:00


Ebook Fun ZoneWe have also something special for lovers of books in e-version. BookLikes will be present and ready to welcome you at Ebook Fun Zone, a place hosted by Virtualo a modern online ebook and audiobook bookstore that we partner with. During these four days (October 25-28) from 10:00 - 15:30 you’ll have an amazing opportunity of taking part in meetings and discussions dedicated to ebooks and audiobooks. And who knows, maybe you’ll leave with free books or e-readers as contests with serious awards are in plans. So have fun and good luck to you all! 


We look forward to see you in Cracow!