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Books You've Read in January

January is off. How did do end up with your reading? Have you set up some New Year's reading Challenges? Some of BookLikers did: reviewers at Bucheule and Read a Book blogs set themselves 100 Books Challenge. We keep our fingers crossed for you and we'll try to keep up:-)


We have more January bookish news, see some statistics about Jan reading that BookLikers published on their blogs: 


Lesemaniac read 13 books, mainly from YA fiction and that counts for nearly 5000 pages - that's a score! To read more January reading stats go to Lesemaniac's Blog.


Pesca managed to finish up seven books and three comics what sums up to 9 reads in 30 days. Read her commentary to all books on Pesca's Blog


Number six in books seems to be very accurate as many of you read this amount of reads: LyraLaJeune can't wait February readings, Read a Book read 1824 book pages and is still left with 94 more to complete 100 Books Challenge, Lillelara presents short reviews of January books and Bucheule shows her Buchbilanz and continues with her 100 Books Challenge.


Hasenmädchen's Bookyear 2013 finished first month of New Year with five books just like Kate from BL Team.


Congrats to all readers and thank you for your amazing summary posts. We want more!


Can't wait to see your February Books posts. February is already on and remember that it's tricky since it's shorter - so grab a book, start reading, writing and counting :-)