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Tag Your Posts and Be Found! 5 Fantasy Books (international book search)

Have a look at 5 great fantasy books (with international touch) that we found on BookLikes thanks to “Fantasy” Tag. So next time remember to add Tags in your review or post in order to be found by other readers. It makes finding new books from a given genre so easy! And now let's read some reviews:




Joelle from Angels With Attitude Book Reviews Blog gave the highest rating score to book by J.R. Rain. You can read Joelle's review here: The Body Departed by J.R. Rain (English). 

Bookworm Dreams
recommends The Cadet of Tildor by Alex Lidell as an excellent and fast paced ya fantasy with realistic characters. The whole 5-star review is here: Action-packed ya high fantasy with realistic down-to-earth characters (English). 


 Bella from Bella's Wonderworld reviews Das verbotene EdenThe book   receives five stars - read about it in Bella's review: Rezension | Das verbotene Eden - Logan und Gwen von Thomas Thiemeyer (Deutsch).


Bucheule is in progress of reading goal of 100 books, and Dancing Jax - Auftakt  is number 4 (if we got it right) with 5 stars - check it out by yourself: Spannung pur! (Deutsch)


Drzewo being a fantasy fan scores high John Flanagan's series "Zwiadowcy". Bitwa o Skandię is reviewed with four stars: Niezła Bitwa (polski).


Thanks to Fantasy Tag you can also find BookLikes updates on BookLikes Blog or new book releases on New Books and More blog. 

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