

World's #1 Blog Platform designed for book bloggers, reviewers, writers - all Book Lovers. Your Reading Life. Redesigned. 

Make Yourself a Gift - Find A Giveaway For You


There isn't a better gift than a book. Oh wait, there is! A free book. Now the Giveaway section has received new sorting options: book categories, dates and number of copies which will help you successfully track your perfect book match.


How to choose the right book? Look through the Giveaways on BookLikes and use one or all of our new sort options: choose your favorite genrecheck which Giveaways end soon and which book is the most accessible with the biggest number of copies




Don't forget to choose a book format and check the availability for your country. To make the best fit select all sort options





Search the author with the author's ID

If you've noticed that a book is missing an author or is assigned to a wrong author, and you know where the right author's page is, you can easily make the change. Now in the book edit mode you can search the author via author's ID. Author's ID is a number at the end of the address of the author's page, e.g.:,4193498 - author's ID is 4193498. Thanks to IDs you won't have a problem with duplicate author names. 





BookLikes Librarians has just received new tools. 

The group of BookLikes Librarians has received tools to combine book editions and merge author pages. If you notice that some books and authors should be combined, let us know via the Report option on the book/author pages.